HiFi Taq DNA Ligase
NEBU recombinant No

This product is available in a glycerol-free format.


HiFi Taq DNA Ligase will ligate this substrate:

Nicked DNA/RNA

An optimized blend of a thermostable DNA ligase and a proprietary additive, HiFi Taq DNA Ligase efficiently seals nicks in DNA with unmatched fidelity.

  • Reduces errors for ligation-based molecular diagnostic techniques (e.g., LCR, LDR)
  • Remains active after multiple thermal cycles
  • Exhibits increased discrimination between correct and mismatched base pairs at either side of ligation junctions, making the enzyme suitable for the detection of either 3 ́ or 5 ́ mismatches (vs. other thermostable ligases which are efficient for 3 ́ mismatches only).
  • Free Thermostable Ligase ReactionTemperature Calculator tool to estimate appropriate incubation temperature
  • This product can be purchased in larger volumes. Submit an inquiry to find out more.
  • Not sure which ligase to choose? Refer to our DNA and RNA Ligase Properties Chart or DNA Ligase Selection Chart
Catalog # Concentration Size List Price Your Price Quantity
M0647S Not Applicable 50 reactions $180.00
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