NEBNext® Multiplex Oligos for Illumina® (96 Unique Dual Index Primer Pairs Set 2)

For optimal workflow flexibility, NEBNext® Multiplex Oligos are available separately from library preparation kits, providing adaptors and primers for high-yield multiplex Illumina® library production. The NEBNext Adaptor has a unique hairpin loop structure that minimizes adaptor-dimer formation, while NEBNext index PCR primers enable index (barcode) incorporation during library amplification. This second set of unique-dual indices (UDIs) includes 96 pre-mixed unique pairs of index primers (i5 and i7), packaged in a single-use 96-well plate with a pierceable foil seal. 

For additional information on available indices and formats for multiplexing, please refer to the NEBNext Multiplex Oligos Selection Chart.

  • Increased sample identification specificity
  • Enables complete filtering of index-hopped reads
  • Highly efficient adaptor ligation
  • Minimized adaptor-dimer formation
  • Includes index primers for library multiplexing
  • This set (Set 2) may be combined with sets 1, 3, 4 and 5 for 480 barcodes
Catalog # Concentration Size List Price Your Price Quantity
E6442S Not Applicable 96 reactions $594.00
E6442L Not Applicable 384 reactions $2,135.00
Please enter a quantity for at least one size

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