Luna® Universal Probe One-Step RT-qPCR Kit

This kit is also offered in a No ROX formulation for instruments that do not require the ROX passive reference dye.

Rapid, sensitive and precise probe-based qPCR detection and quantitation of target RNA targets. 

Make a simpler choice

  • One product per application simplifies selection
  • Convenient master mix formats and user-friendly protocols simplify reaction setup
  • Non-interfering, visible tracking dye helps to eliminate pipetting errors

Experience best-in-class performance

  • All Luna® products have undergone rigorous testing to optimize specificity, sensitivity, accuracy and reproducibility
  • Products perform consistently across a wide variety of sample sources
  • A comprehensive evaluation of commercially-available qPCR and RT-qPCR reagents demonstrates superior performance of Luna products

Optimize your RT-qPCR with Luna WarmStart® Reverse Transcriptase

  • Novel, thermostable reverse transcriptase (RT) improves performance 
  • WarmStart RT paired with Hot Start Taq increases reaction specificity and robustness
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Catalog # Concentration Size List Price Your Price Quantity
E3006S Not Applicable 200 reactions $259.00
E3006L Not Applicable 500 reactions $581.00
E3006X Not Applicable 1,000 reactions $1,019.00
E3006E Not Applicable 2,500 reactions $2,221.00
Please enter a quantity for at least one size

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