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Enzymatic Conversion for DNA Methylation Analysis

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Enzymatic Conversion for DNA Methylation Analysis Products

NEBNext® Enzymatic Methyl-seq Conversion Module


NEBNext® Enzymatic Methyl-seq Kit


NEBNext® Enzymatic Methyl-seq v2 Conversion Module


NEBNext® Multiplex Oligos for Enzymatic Methyl-seq (Unique Dual Index Primer Pairs)


NEBNext® Enzymatic Methyl-seq v2 Kit


T4 Phage β-glucosyltransferase (T4-BGT)


  • EMseqWorkflow_Animation_Thumb_720

    NEBNEXT® Enzymatic Methyl-seq Workflow

    A workflow animation for an enzyme-based method for detection of 5mC and 5hmC, an alternative to bisulfite sequencing.

  • Next-Generation-Solutions-for-Epigenetic-Analysis

    Next Generation Solutions for Epigenetic Analysis

    In this webinar hosted by Oxford Global, learn about the advantages of Enzymatic Methyl-seq (EM-seq®) and the epigenetic analyses such as cytosine methylation analysis of cell free DNA and intact long DNA fragments. This webinar also describes the development of NicE-seq (Nicking Enzyme assisted sequencing) a method for high-resolution open chromatin profiling of both native and FFPE samples.

  • NEBTV_Ep-28_thumbnail_1920_1

    NEB® TV Ep. 28 – Advances in Methylome Analysis

    In this episode, we discuss the challenges associated with current methods available for methylome analysis, and introduce NEBNext Enzymatic Methyl-seq (EM-seq™) as an alternative to bisulfite sequencing that addresses these challenges.

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