NEBNext® FFPE DNA Library Prep Kit

FFPE DNA poses many challenges for library preparation, including low input amounts and highly variable damage from fixation, storage, and extraction methods. Regions of interest are often enriched using hybrid capture-based approaches, and these workflows require a high input of diverse, uniform DNA library.

The NEBNext FFPE DNA Library Prep Kit is designed for pre-sheared FFPE DNA and improves yields and quality of libraries from a range of sample inputs (5-250 ng) and quality. The kit repairs damage to DNA caused by the FFPE process and includes reagents and a protocol optimized for library prep of FFPE DNA. The workflow is streamlined and user-friendly, with minimal hands-on time.

View or download extensive performance data in our Data Supplement.

  • Includes FFPE DNA repair reagents plus optimized library prep reagents and protocol
  • Increased library yields
  • Improved sequencing metrics
  • Greater sensitivity of somatic variant calling
  • 5-250 ng input range
  • Automation-friendly workflow

For further performance and workflow improvement, the NEBNext UltraShear FFPE DNA Library Prep Kit (NEB #E6655) also incorporates specialized enzymatic DNA fragmentation.

Catalog # Concentration Size List Price Your Price Quantity
E6650S Not Applicable 24 reactions $831.00
E6650L Not Applicable 96 reactions $3,167.00
Please enter a quantity for at least one size

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