NEBNext® Multiplex Oligos (Adaptors & Primers)
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- Are the NEBNext Oligos for Illumina compatible with single read and paired end sequencing?
- Are NEBNext adaptor and primers for Illumina compatible with NEBNext reagents for Illumina library preparation?
- What is the concentration of the adaptor and primers in the NEBNext Multiplex Oligos kits?
- Are NEBNext adaptors and primers for Illumina validated in Next Generation Sequencing Workflows?
- Can the NEBNext Multiplex Oligos for Illumina (96 Unique Dual Index Primer Pairs) (NEB #E6440, #E6442, #E6444, #E6446, and #E6448) be used to address "index hopping" with Illumina patterned flow cells?
- Is the NEBNext adaptor methylated?
- NEBNext® Multiplex Oligos Selection Chart
- NEB E3406 LV UDI IlluminaLRM
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This product is intended for research purposes only. This product is not intended to be used for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes in humans or animals.