Your search returned 1384 results.
Title | Type |
A-Tailing with Taq Polymerase | Protocol |
Adaptor Ligation of End Repaired DNA (E6260) | Protocol |
Adaptor Ligation of dA-Tailed DNA (E6040) | Protocol |
Adaptor or Vector Ligation of cDNA Library (E6100) | Protocol |
Adaptor or Vector Ligation of cDNA Library (E6114) | Protocol |
Affinity Purification and On-column Cleavage (E6901) | Protocol |
Affinity Purification and On-column Cleavage (NEB #S6651) | Protocol |
Agarose Digestion | Protocol |
Agencourt AMPure XP Bead Clean-up and Size Selection of End Repaired DNA (E6260) | Protocol |
Agencourt Ampure Beads (Beckman Coulter) Preparation (E6116) | Protocol |