Template Switching RT Enzyme Mix 
cloned at NEB recombinant 80 Heat hotstart

The Template Switching RT Enzyme Mix and accompanying reaction buffer enable efficient template switching activity in a reverse transcription reaction. The mix contains a unique RT and Murine RNase Inhibitor. Unlike competitor RT products, no additives (such as PEG or betaine) are required for optimal performance, simplifying reaction setup. In conjunction with a template switching oligo (TSO), cDNA is synthesized with a known sequence of choice attached to the 3′ end. The resulting cDNA can be amplified by PCR or serve as template for 5′ RACE (rapid amplification of cDNA ends) or 2nd strand cDNA synthesis.

  • Prepare RNA-seq libraries from extremely low input: single cells/nuclei or 2 pg of total RNA.
  • Perform 5′ RACE from as low as 10 ng total RNA.
  • Low background for RNA-seq or 5′ RACE
  • Enzyme mix contains Murine RNase Inhibitor, no additives necessary
  • Compatible with various template switching oligos (TSOs), RT primers, and DNA polymerases for full length cDNA amplification
  • Enjoy faster protocols as compared to alternative RNA-seq methods (eg. Smart-Seq®)
Catalog # Concentration Size List Price Your Price Quantity
M0466S 10 X 20 reactions $106.00
M0466L 10 X 100 reactions $422.00
Please enter a quantity for at least one size
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