NEBU recombinant 37 70 Heat

yDcpS is a decapping enzyme that hydrolyzes m7G capped mRNA, producing diphosphorylated 5′ ends. yDcpS can decap mRNAs of various lengths and the diphosphorylated 5′ end can be recapped directly with Vaccinia Capping Enzyme.

  • Provided at high enzyme concentration to facilitate complete decapping
  • Active on capped RNA of various sizes (tested on in vitro capped transcripts from 25 nt to 1400 nt long)
  • Decapped RNA 5′ ends can be recapped with Vaccinia Capping System (NEB #M2080)
  • Supports tagging of mRNA with desthiobiotin-labeled GTP
Catalog # Concentration Size List Price Your Price Quantity
M0463S 200,000 units/ml 4,000 units $308.00
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