NGS Library Quantitation

Accurate library quantitation for next generation sequencing (NGS) is essential for maximizing data output and quality from each sequencing run. For example, on Illumina® sequencing platforms, quantitation is needed for achieving optimal cluster density on the sequencing flow cell. qPCR amplification-based library quant offers clear benefits over electrophoresis- and spectrophotometry-based methods; it becomes possible to selectively quantitate only those molecules that contain both of the adaptor sequences required for successful sequencing, further increasing the accuracy and specificity of the library quant values. 
For more information about the importance of quantitation, read “The Quantitation Question: How does accurate library quantitation influence sequencing?”.  
The NEBNext® Library Quant Kit for Illumina® is an optimized set of pre-diluted DNA standards and enzyme master mix for improved qPCR-based library quant for Illumina sequencing. Now with six standards for added flexibility, you can choose the right number of standards for your application. ROX is included in the kit for use with qPCR instruments that require a reference dye for normalization. Functionally validated to meet stringent criteria set for assay efficiency and quantitation cycles (Cq) for each DNA standard and no-template control reaction. Additional volume of the six DNA standards and dilution buffer are available separately. 

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FAQs for NGS Library Quantitation
NEBNext Library Quant Kit Workflow
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