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Quick-Load® Purple DNA Ladders

With our Quick-Load Purple DNA ladders, you can:

  • Quickly determine the size of your DNA, using the evenly-spaced bands and easily-identifiable reference bands
  • Improve your ability to separate fragments, as our new & improved purple loading dye sharpens bands
  • Improve the visibility of the bands, as our purple dye leaves no UV shadow
  • Save money, as NEB’s cost per lane is less than other commercially available ladders
  • NEB’s purple dye runs at the same migration rate as bromophenol blue, making it an easy migration reference. 

This format is available for the Low Molecular Weight, 50 bp100 bp, 1kb, and 1 kb Plus DNA ladders. All Include a vial of Gel Loading Dye, Purple (6X), no SDS.

NEB's Quick-Load Purple DNA Ladders Offer Sharp, Uniform Bands with Easily Identifiable Reference Bands

Lane 1. Invitrogen TrackIt 1 Kb Plus DNA Ladder; Lane 2. NEB Quick-Load Purple 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder; 1 μg per gel lane
B. The new Gel Loading Dye, Purple (6X) (Lane 1) included in the Quick-Load Purple 1kb Plus DNA Ladder does not cast a UV shadow over the underlying bands, unlike the Gel Loading Dye, Blue (6X) (Lane 2)

Comparison of Dye Fronts


NEW ENGLAND BIOLABS®, NEB®, and QUICK-LOAD® are registered trademarks of New England Biolabs, Inc.
THERMO SCIENTIFIC® is a registered trademark of Thermo Fisher Scientific
GENERULER™, INVITROGEN™ and TRACKIT™ are trademarks of Thermo Fisher Scientific