SNAP-tag® and CLIP-tag™ Substrate Selection Chart

NEB® offers a large selection of fluorescent labels (substrates) for SNAP- and CLIP-tag fusion proteins. SNAP-tag® substrates consist of a fluorophore conjugated to guanine or chloropyrimidine leaving groups via a benzyl linker, while CLIP-tag™ substrates consist of a fluorophore conjugated to a cytosine leaving group via a benzyl linker. These substrates will label their respective tags without the need for additional enzymes. Cell-permeable substrates (SNAP-Cell® and CLIP-Cell™) are suitable for both intracellular and cell-surface labeling, whereas non-cell-permeable substrates (SNAP-Surface® and CLIP-Surface™) are specific for fusion proteins expressed on the cell surface only.

Self-Labeling Tags

SNAP-tag Cell-Permeable

Substrates NEB # Excitation* Emission* ✝ Size
SNAP-Cell® 430 #S9109 421 444484
50.0 nmol
SNAP-Cell® TMR-Star #S9105 554 580
30.0 nmol
SNAP-Cell® 647-SiR #S9102 645 661
30.0 nmol
SNAP-Cell® 505-Star #S9103 504 532
50.0 nmol
SNAP-Cell® Oregon Green® #S9104 490 514
50.0 nmol


Substrates NEB # Excitation* Emission* ✝ Size
SNAP-Surface® 649 #S9159 655 676
50.0 nmol
SNAP-Surface® 488 #S9124 506 526
50.0 nmol
SNAP-Surface® 549 #S9112 560 575
50.0 nmol
SNAP-Surface® 594 #S9134 606 626
50.0 nmol
SNAP-Surface® Alexa Fluor® 546 #S9132 558 574
50.0 nmol
SNAP-Surface® Alexa Fluor® 488 #S9129 496 520
50.0 nmol
SNAP-Surface® Alexa Fluor® 647 #S9136 652 670
50.0 nmol

CLIP-tag Cell-Permeable

Substrates NEB # Excitation* Emission* ✝ Size
CLIP-Cell™ 505 #S9217 504 532
50.0 nmol
CLIP-Cell™ TMR-Star #S9219 554 580
30.0 nmol


Substrates NEB # Excitation* Emission* ✝ Size
CLIP-Surface™ 647 #S9234 660 673
50.0 nmol
CLIP-Surface™ 488 #S9232 506 526
50.0 nmol
CLIP-Surface™ 547 #S9233 554 568
50.0 nmol

* Excitation and emission values determined experimentally for labeled protein tag.
† Colors are based on the electromagnetic spectrum. Actual color visualization may vary.

SNAP-tag®, SNAP-Cell®, SNAP-Surface® and NEB® are registered tradmarkes of New England Biolabs, Inc.
CLIP-tag™, CLIP-Cell™ and CLIP-Surface™ are trademarks of New England Biolabs, Inc.

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