What is the NEB® Tech Support Philosophy?

Nowhere does NEB’s “scientists helping scientists” philosophy shine more than in conversation with two NEB scientists who regularly answer customer questions.


Jeremy Foster, PhD:
The NEB model for technical support, really, is to try to route the customer's call through to a scientist who either developed and produced that particular product or is in some other way an expert in its use.

Ana Egana, PhD:
In most other companies, these companies actually have a barrier between the people and the scientists that develop the products and work with the products.

Jeremy Foster, PhD:
The customer typically, rather than speaking to a technical support team, which is really just a group of trained personnel who have access to a lot of information on a website, they're really speaking to a scientist who really knows that product inside out.

Ana Egana, PhD:
Bench scientists provide our technical support and there's an understanding that they were trained at some point and they're happy to train the future generation of scientists. This philosophy of paying it forward is an essential part, or component, of our technical support philosophy here at New England Biolabs.

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