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  1. Draft genome sequences of Mansonella perstans and Mansonella ozzardi and their Wolbachia endosymbionts (2019)

    Mansoneliasis is a widespread, yet neglected, filariasis of humans caused by infection with Mansonella perstans, M. ozzardi and M. streptocerca. Transmission to humans is via midge and black fly insect vectors whose endosymbiont is a member of a unique Wolbachia supergroup that is from both insect and filarial hosts. In this study, draft genome sequences of M. perstans, M. ozzardi and Wolbachia were obtained. This will provide insight into the biology and evolution of some of the most neglected filarial parasites.

  2. Choosing the Right Exonuclease (2019)

    Download our poster to find the exonuclease best suited for your application.

  3. Enzymatic Methyl-seq: Next Generation Methylomes (2019)

    DNA expression is tuned, both in nature and in the laboratory, with the application or removal of epigenetic marks, the most common of which being the methylation of cytosine residues. Historically, cytosine methylation at the single-base level has been detected by bisulfite sequencing, where sodium bisulfite is used to convert all unmethylated cytosines to uracils. This treatment is harsh, however, commonly leading to damage and even fragmentation of the very DNA meant to be sequenced; therefore, whole-genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS) has substantial drawbacks. 

    Developed to address this challenge, NEBNext® Enzymatic Methyl-seq (EM-seq) relies on a gentler, enzyme-based process for conversion of unmethylated cytosines, but not 5mC or 5hmC, to uracils. This poster introduces some of the ways in which EM-seq provides superior-quality sequencing metrics, including uniformity of coverage and detection sensitivity. For additional details, refer to the EM-seq product page.

  4. EM-seq™ Enables Accurate and Precise Methylome Analysis of Challenging DNA Samples (2019)

    Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) is gaining popularity as a noninvasive biomarker of disease. Most often, cfDNA is recovered from exosomes and other microvesicles released into body fluids (e.g., blood, urine, tears, etc.), providing an indicator of an organism’s health and/or disease. As methylation status has been shown to influence the progression of certain diseases, including cancer, analyzing the methylome of circulating cfDNA is an essential step.

    Historically, the method of choice for methylome analysis was bisulfite sequencing, a method that leaves significant DNA damage in its wake. The NEBNext® Enzymatic Methyl-seq Kit (EM-seq™) enables higher quality library generation and improved sequence coverage, without added GC bias. To learn more about EM-seq after reviewing this poster, check out the tech note on this topic.

  5. NEBNext Direct® Custom Ready Panels Overcome Challenges Associated with Targeted Re-sequencing (2019)

    As research questions change, it may become more appropriate for a researcher to conduct more-targeted analysis of the genome, necessitating deeper sequencing with a gene panel approach. Gene panels are most commonly custom assembled, but this can be time consuming and expensive.

    The NEBNext Direct® Custom Ready Panels are a collection of predesigned and premade baits specific to ~850 genes with active relevance to disease research. To obtain a Custom Ready panel, one must simply select the genes they’d like to analyze as a custom panel in a fraction of the time it takes to develop one from scratch. To learn more about how NEBNext Direct Custom Ready Panels work, or to search for your genes of interest, visit the product page.

  6. A Robust, Streamlined, Enzyme-based DNA Library Preparation Method Amenable to a Wide Range of DNA Inputs (2019)

    Precision Medicine holds great promise for human health and disease treatment but, in order to deliver on that promise, the techniques used to analyze human samples must first ensure reliable, high-quality, and accurate data in a high-throughput fashion. Library prep protocols for Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) have traditionally required costly DNA fragmentation equipment and several transfer and clean-up steps that increase the time required and potential for errors.

    The NEBNext® Ultra II FS DNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina® addresses these challenges with a novel enzymatic fragmentation step, integrated into the Ultra II DNA kit, and requiring fewer clean-up steps. FS fragmentation is time dependent, but independent of input amounts, GC composition, and DNA storage buffer. For additional details on these findings, as well as notes on library yield and GC coverage, download this poster.

  7. A Single-tube, Low Input Protocol for Long Read Sequencing (2019)

    Long read sequencing has become more popular with the advent of new technologies that support it. Both the PacBio® Sequel and Oxford Nanopore MinION™ offer platforms for long read sequencing, enabling simpler genome assembly, sequencing through complex regions, and identifying structural variants. 

    To fully exploit long read sequencing, researchers require a robust and reliable option for generating full-length cDNA from the source mRNA. The NEBNext® Single Cell/Low Input cDNA Synthesis & Amplification Module is well-suited for upstream cDNA generation prior to a long read sequencing method. For additional details, please visit the product page.

  8. Improving Transcriptome Profiling for Single Cell and Low Input RNA (2019)

    The increased availability and sensitivity of transcriptomic analyses have changed the way that people think about cell population studies. Analyzing a T-flask of cells or a tube of blood was once standard practice, as smaller samples were not easily or reliably obtained. Now, at the dawn of single-cell transcriptomics, it’s possible to assess transcriptomes on a single-cell basis, ensuring that rare events and cell subtypes are captured in their true proportion to the sample.

    This poster describes a method for full-length transcript sequencing, with a wide range of input types including RNA (UHR; 2 pg – 200 ng), cultured cell lines (single cells), and mouse primary cells (single cells). Among other findings, two populations of cells were identified arising from mouse (8 weeks old) mammary glands, which were traceable back to the basal and luminal developmental lineages. Learn more when you download this poster.

  9. Highly Multiplexed, Targeted Sequencing for Genotyping Maize with the NEBNext Direct Approach (2019)

    argeted next-generation sequencing of molecular markers is a desirable approach to genotype crops for marker-assisted breeding. These methods offer several advantages over other genotyping approaches, including the ability to interrogate thousands of variant sites with a single assay while providing additional information on nearby sequences. However, NGS-based genotyping is typically more expensive than traditional genotyping methods, and for marker-assisted selection, many samples need to be screened to identify individuals to cross. Thus, it is important that the approach used to prepare samples for sequencing is high-throughput and that the cost per sample is low. Here we present the NEBNext Direct Genotyping Solution, a novel, capture-by-hybridization method that allows for processing of up to 9216 samples in a single 96-well plate.

    To demonstrate the capabilities of this approach, we applied the NEBNext Direct Genotyping Solution to genotype maize genomic DNA. We developed a panel of over 4600 legacy SNPs from the Panzea project and tested the ability of the panel to evenly enrich targets from 25 ng of maize DNA. Additionally, because the baits were individually synthesized, subsets of the panel could be rapidly generated to reduce sequencing costs when fewer targets were required. To demonstrate this ability, we selected a 100 marker subpool from the larger bait set and observed consistent coverage of the selected targets while maintaining the high specificity and uniformity of the panel. With this one day, highly multiplexed protocol, hundreds of samples could be processed in a high-throughput manner, making this approach ideal for genomic selection in maize.

  10. Uncovering the Cannabis sativa Methylome Through Enzymatic Methyl-seq (2019)

    The medical and agricultural value of Cannabis is undeniable, and research is just now beginning to fully interrogate the plant and its products. Due to the base composition of the Cannabis genome (66% AT-rich), obtaining high-quality methylome analysis with whole genome bisulfite analysis (WGBS) has been challenging. WGBS is known to cause DNA damage that skews post-WGBS base composition (83% AT-rich).

    NEBNext® Enzymatic Methyl-seq (EM-seq®) is an alternative to WGBS that does not require harsh conditions to accurately generate high-quality libraries, without losing sample integrity or details about methyl marks (both 5mC and 5hmC). With EM-seq, it becomes possible to analyze Cannabis plant tissues with greater accuracy and with less risk for DNA damage. For additional details on this study, please download this poster.

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