Golden Gate Assembly Protocol using PaqCI® (NEB #R0745) and NEBridge Ligase Master Mix (NEB #M1100)
- Based on assembly complexity, set up assembly reactions as follows:
3–6 FRAGMENT ASSEMBLY7+ FRAGMENT NEBridge Ligase Master Mix (NEB #M1100) 5 μl 10 μl DNA Fragments* 0.05 pmol each 0.05 pmol each PaqCI (NEB #R0745) 1 µl (10 U) 2.5 µl (25 U) PaqCI activator (20 µM) 0.5 μl 1.25 μl Nuclease-free Water x μl x μl Total Reaction Volume 15 μl 30 μl * Use NEBiocalculator® to calculate the mass of each DNA fragment
- Set up a reaction in a microcentrifuge tube on ice. Mix DNA fragments (0.05 pmol of each) with nuclease-free water (x µl).
- Add NEBridge Ligase Master Mix (5 µl or 10 µl) to DNA fragments and water. Gently mix by pipetting 3 times.
- Add PaqCI activator (0.5 µl or 1.25 µl) then PaqCI (1 µl or 2.5 µl) to the reaction. Gently mix by pipetting 5 times.
- Incubate for the recommended time and temperature:
3–6 FRAGMENT ASSEMBLY7+ FRAGMENT ASSEMBLY SINGLE GENE CLONING LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION 7–13 FRAGMENT 14+ FRAGMENT 37ºC for 15 min. 37ºC for 60 min. 30 cycles at 37ºC for 1 min. and 16ºC for 1 min. 30 cycles at 37ºC for 5 min. and 16ºC for 5 min. 60 cycles at 37ºC for 5 min. and 16ºC for 5 min. - End Soak: Incubate at 60°C for 5 minutes, before transformation.
- Chill on ice.
- Use 2 μl of the reaction to transform 50 μl of competent cells. If reaction will not be used immediately for transformation, store at -20°C.
To learn more about Golden Gate Assembly, please visit