FAQ: Which ROX should I use for my qPCR machine?

We provide separate tubes of ROX normalization dye at two concentrations (Low, High) to enable use on all qPCR platforms. Please refer to the table below to determine whether ROX is required, and if so, which concentration should be used:

qPCR Instrument


Bio-Rad® iQ™5, CFX96, CFX384, Opticon
Roche Lightcycler®
Qiagen Rotor-Gene™
Eppendorf Mastercycler®
Cepheid® SmartCycler®

Not recommended

Applied Biosystems® 7500, QuantStudio™, ViiA7™
Agilent Mx™


Applied Biosystems® 7000, 7300, 7700, 7900HT, StepOne™, StepOnePlus™

High ROX