TIME-SAVER Qualified Restriction Enzymes

How will Time-Saver™ qualified enzymes save you time? Find out from an NEB scientist.


Rick Morgan:
Time-Saver Restriction Enzymes are enzymes that have been qualified to cut your DNA in five to 15 minutes. A unit of enzyme was defined historically as the amount of enzyme that would cut one microgram in a defined volume, 50 microliters in one hour. So with the Time-Saver Enzymes you just put in one microliter of the enzyme as you normally would in a reaction, it'll cut the DNA, you can be sure it'll be done within five to 15 minutes. You'll get what you need, you can move on to the next thing.

In qualifying these enzymes, we also test whether the enzymes give you the same precise cutting in an overnight reaction. With the enzymes from BioLabs you'll still get the same exact cutting that you get in five to 15 minutes. Our NEB Time-Saver Enzymes are fast enough to cut in five to 15 minutes, but flexible enough to go overnight. For more information, you can go to our website.

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