Preparing and Loading Protein Ladders (P7711)


  1. Thaw the ColorPlus Prestained Protein Ladder at room temperature. Vortex gently to ensure the solution is homogeneous.
  2. Transfer the desired amount of the Prestained Protein Ladder to a separate tube. For blotting: use 5 µl for mini-gels and 10 µl for full length gels. For visualizing during electrophoresis: use 10-15 µl for mini-gels and 20-30 µl for full length gels.
  3. Heat the ColorPlus Prestained Protein Ladder at 95-100°C for 3-5 minutes. If this ladder has already been boiled for storage (see storage note), no further heating is necessary.
  4. Load directly onto SDS-PAGE gel and electrophorese.