Protocol for Using the Color Prestained Protein Standard, Broad Range (P7712) for an SDS-PAGE Mini Gel

  1. Gently mix the Color Prestained Protein Standard, Broad Range.
  2. Load 3 μl directly onto a mini-gel.
  3. To ensure uniform mobility, load an equal volume of 1X Reducing SDS Loading Buffer into any unused wells.
  4. Run gel using constant voltage, according to manufacturer’s specifications.
  5. Run until dye front reaches bottom of gel, but does not run off.
  6. Stain and de-stain gel with protein stain of choice, following manufacturer’s instructions (i.e. Coomassie Brilliant Blue, Simply Blue™ Safe Stain, or GelCode™ Blue Safe Stain (Thermo Fisher).

Note: This standard is supplied in gel loading buffer and is ready to use. Do not heat, dilute or add reducing agents before loading.