Luna® qPCR Troubleshooting Guide
qPCR traces show low or no amplification |
Reagent omitted from qPCR assay Reagent added improperly to qPCR assay |
Incorrect cycling protocol |
Incorrect channel selected for the qPCR thermal cycler |
DNA template or reagents are contaminated or degraded |
Inconsistent qPCR traces for triplicate data |
Improper pipetting during qPCR assay set-up |
qPCR plate film has lost its seal, causing evaporation in the well. The resulting qPCR trace may show significantly different fluorescence values relative to its replicates |
Poor mixing of reagents during qPCR set-up |
Bubbles cause an abnormal qPCR trace |
DNA standard curve has a poor correlation coefficient/ efficiency of the DNA standard curve falls outside the 90–110% range |
Presence of outlying qPCR traces |
Improper pipetting during qPCR assay set-up |
Reaction conditions are incorrect |
Bubbles cause an abnormal qPCR trace |
Poor mixing of reagents |
Threshold is improperly set for the qPCR traces |
Melt curve shows different peaks for low input samples |
Non-template amplification is occurring Infrequently, denaturation of a single species can occur in a biphasic manner, resulting in two peaks |
No template control qPCR trace shows amplification, NTC Cq is close to or overlapping lower copy standards |
Reagents are contaminated with carried-over products of previous qPCR (melt curve of NTC matches melt curve of higher input standards) |
Primers produce non-specific amplification |