FAQ: What is the difference between Thermostable OGG (NEB #M0464) and Fpg (NEB #M0240)?

Both Fpg and Thermostable OGG are bifunctional glycosylases, meaning the glycosylase activity first recognizes and removes the modified base in DNA, then an AP-lyase activity cleaves the DNA backbone. Thermostable OGG, unlike FPG, is thermostable (active at temperatures as high as 80°C) and while the two enzymes have similar substrate specificity (both recognize and cut at 8-oxoguanine), they cleave the DNA backbone differently. Thermostable OGG cuts the bond 3′ to an 8-oxoguanine base. This leaves a nick in the DNA substrate with a 5´ phosphate and a 3´-phospho-α, β-unsaturated aldehyde. Fpg cuts both 5′ and 3′′ to the modified base. The modified base floats away creating a 1 nucleotide DNA gap with 5´ and 3´ phosphate termini.