Packaging in a ab

Custom Packaging & Private Label Options

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NEB’s team of Program Managers and Support Staff will work with you to help transition your product from concept and idea to deliverable. We offer bespoke solutions to meet your requirement needs for product design, aliquoting, kitting, packaging and label customization.


Our team will work closely with you to understand your volume requirements, and can support aliquoting microliters to liters of product. We offer a variety of packaging options, including tubes, vials, bottles and plates, so that you can be sure your products is dispensed to meet your volume and vessel needs.

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Packaging options include polypropylene tubes, vials and bottles, glass vials, 96- and 384-well plates

  Tubes & Vials  Tubes & Vials  Bottles  Plate(s) 
Volume Range  20 µl – 2 ml
100 µl – 10 ml
2 ml - 2 L
5 µl – 200 µl

Kitting and Packaging

In addition to volume requirements, we can also meet your shape and material specifications. Materials can be aliquoted into tube, vial, bottle or plate format, with polypropylene and glass vials available. Additionally, product can be bagged or boxed, or both, depending on your needs.  

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Kitting and packaging options are designed to meet your shape, volume and material specifications

Private Labeling

We provide a variety of customized label options, and will follow the blueprint that you provide to meet your specifications.  

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Contact our Customized Solutions team to discuss your aliquoting, kitting, packaging and private label product needs
