Reagent & Buffer Preparation Guide for Monarch Spin RNA Isolation Kit (Mini) (NEB #T2110)
- Always keep columns tightly sealed in the provided bag.
- Always keep all buffer bottles tightly closed when not in use.
- Store kit components at the recommended storage conditions on component labels and in the product manual
Reagents Supplied by the User
- Benchtop microcentrifuge
- Water bath, heat block or thermomixer
- Bead homogenizer
- Vacuum manifold (for the vacuum manifold protocol)
- Vacuum pump (for the vacuum manifold protocol)
- RNase-free 1.5 ml microfuge tubes
- Ethanol (≥ 95%), Molecular Biology Grade
- Isopropanol (100%) for whole blood samples
- Glycanases for microbes, for example, NEBExpress T4 Lysozyme (NEB #P8115)
- Xylene or similar for deparaffinization of FFPE tissue.
Reagent Preparation
Rehydration of Monarch DNase I, Lyophilized
Monarch DNase I is a proprietary lyophilized mix that is stable at room temperature in the supplied dry cake format. For rehydration and subsequent storage guidance, follow the instructions below:
- Place the glass vial containing lyophilized enzyme on the RNase-free benchtop.
- Unscrew the cap and place the cap upside down on the benchtop.
- Remove the grey rubber stopper and place it securely inside the inverted screw cap.
- Using a pipette, dispense the appropriate volume of the supplied Nuclease-free Water onto the lyophilized cake.
- For T2104-21, dispense 220 µl Nuclease-free Water
- For T2104-1, dispense 550 µl Nuclease-free Water
- For T2104-21, dispense 220 µl Nuclease-free Water
- Pipette mix 8-10 times adjusting the tip positioning inside the vial such that all the lyophilized material gets hydrated. Do not vortex.
- Place the vial back on the bench.
- The solution will turn clear within 15 seconds. Let it stay for an additional minute.
- The rehydrated DNase I is ready for use in the RNA isolation protocol.
- Store the rehydrated DNase I at -20°C. Avoid more than three freeze-thaw cycles. We strongly recommend storing the rehydrated DNase I in appropriately sized aliquots based on the user’s processing needs.
Preparation of Monarch Buffer BX
Monarch Buffer BX serves as the RNA priming reagent and is provided as a concentrate. Before using in the workflow, follow the steps below for reconstitution in the sequence listed:
- Add the appropriate volume of the supplied Nuclease-free Water to the reagent bottle
- To T2041-11, add 2 ml Nuclease-free Water
- To T2041-22, add 10 ml Nuclease-free Water
- To T2041-11, add 2 ml Nuclease-free Water
- Add the appropriate volume of ≥ 95% ethanol (user-supplied)
- To T2041-11, add 2 ml ethanol
- To T2041-22, add 10 ml of ethanol
- To T2041-11, add 2 ml ethanol
Preparation of Monarch Buffer WZ
Monarch Buffer WZ serves as an RNA wash buffer and is provided as a concentrate. Before using:
- Add the appropriate volume of ≥ 95% ethanol (user-supplied)
- To T1115-1, add 20 ml ethanol
- To T1115-3, add 104 ml ethanol
- To T1115-1, add 20 ml ethanol