Your search returned 321 results.
Title | Type |
Electroporation Tips | Usage Guidelines / Tip |
End-labeling Protocol | Protocol |
Enhancing Transformation Efficiency | Application Notes |
Enzymatic PCR Cleanup Protocol (NEB #M0371) | Protocol |
Enzymatic PCR cleanup using Exonuclease I and Shrimp Alkaline Phosphatase | Application Notes |
Enzymes with Multiple Recognition Sequences | Selection Chart |
Enzymes with Nonpalindromic Sequences | Selection Chart |
Expanded “assembly standards” for MoClo, GoldenBraid2.0 and other modular Golden Gate Assembly methods | Usage Guidelines / Tip |
Fast & efficient isolation of phage genomic DNA using the Monarch HMW DNA Extraction Kits | Application Notes |
Fast transformation plating with glass beads | Video Library |