Where can I find guidelines and protocols for using FFPE DNA with NEBNext Products?


Product Name and Number


Protocol & Manual Link

NEBNext UltraShearTM FFPE DNA Library Prep Kit NEB (#E6655)

Non Indexed Adaptors

Section 1

Protocol for use with all NEBNext Multiplex Oligos Index Primers (Single Index, Dual Index, or Unique Dual Index Primers)

Indexed UMI Adaptors

Section 2

Protocol for use with NEBNext Multiplex Oligos Index Adaptors (Unique Dual Index UMI Adaptors DNA Sets)

NEBNext ® FFPE DNA Repair Mix (#M6630)

NEBNext UltraTM II DNA Library Prep

Section 1

Protocol for use with NEBNext UltraTM II DNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina ® (NEB #E7645)

NEBNext Ultra DNA Library Prep Kit

Section 2

Protocol for use with NEBNext Ultra DNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina (NEB #E7370)

Other User-Supplied Library Construction Reagents

Section 3

Protocol for use with Other User-Supplied Library Construction Reagents

NEBNext ® FFPE DNA Repair v2 Module (#E7360)

NEBNext UltraTM II DNA Library Prep Kit


Unique Dual Index Non UMI Adaptors

Section 1

Protocol for use with NEBNext ® Multiplex Oligos for Illumina® (Index Primers) and NEBNext UltraTM II DNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina (NEB #E7645/NEB #E7103)

NEBNext Ultra II DNA Library Prep Kit


NEBNext Multiplex Oligos for Illumina Unique Dual Index UMI DNA Adaptors

Section 2

Protocol for use with NEBNext Multiplex Oligos for Illumina (Index Adaptors) and NEBNext Ultra II DNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina (NEB #E7645/NEB #E7103)

Other User-Supplied Library Construction Reagents

Section 3

Protocol for use with Other User-Supplied Library Construction Reagents