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Methyltransferases for Epigenetics

DNA methyltransferase enzymes modify DNA by adding a methyl group to either cytosines or adenines depending on the specificity of the enzyme. Our methyltransferases, S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) cofactor, and 5-methyl-dCTP nucleotides are useful in many applications for basic research, epigenetic drug discovery, and the development of molecular diagnostics.

  • Generating positive controls with genomic DNA for methylation-specific PCR or sequencing
  • Methylated CpG gene expression studies
  • DNA labeling with SAM analogs to modify, or identify, methyltransferase substrates
  • Generating methylated DNA probes for methyltransferase activity assays
  • Chromatin accessibility studies
  • Nucleosome and chromatin associated protein (CAP) footprinting

5mC methylated cytosine

DNA methyltransferases can modify cytosine for assays or diagnostics

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FAQs for Methyltransferases for Epigenetics
Protocols for Methyltransferases for Epigenetics
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This product is intended for research purposes only. This product is not intended to be used for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes in humans or animals.